
Sunday, October 15, 2023



The Advocate, Friendville, Nebraska, 13 July 1877, Page 2, Column 4, William A. Connell, Editor.

The Anglo.lndian Dialect. Peopirare accustomed to laugh at the "pidgin English" of China and Cal-ifornia, which on first being heard sounds like a liquid gibberish, but the moat advanced Celestial that ever sold lacquer-ware in Canton or washed the clothes of a San Francisco belle never spoke a lingo so outrageously unintelli-gible as the Anglo-Indian dialect by means of which the world goes round in British India. The Anglo Indian language—a different thing from the Baboo English—is not only a necessary tongue for communication between natives and European, but forms the ordinary language between the English themselves. During a morning call an 

Birmingham Daily Post, 12 January 1891, Page 4, Column 6.

     Among the works shortly to be published is a little volume by Mr. Arnold Wright, entitled ' "Baboo English as 'Tis Writ," which will illus-trate the curious and amusing aide of the Indian native press—a phase of the subject which has hitherto escaped attention. As the result of an intimate connection of several years with the Indian press Mr. Wright has got together a large number of extracts from the columns of native newspapers, such as quaint editorial announce-ments, specimens of native descriptive writing and poetry, obituary notices, quack advertise-ments, and begging letters, which, besides being entertaining as specimens of Baboo English, throi► some interesting sidelights on the native press. The work is to be published by Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, and it will be uniform with the " English as she is taught " series. 

Daily Republican, Emporia, Kansas, 06 June 1893, Page 3, Column 4, C.V. Eskridge, Editor and Proprietor.

Wrestling With English
The Sturdy Efforts of Foreigners to Master Our Idioms and Some Results

All Californians are familktr with Chinese English. and of late have been made acquainted with the attempts of the Japanese to master the intricacies of English,,some of which, by the way, are very amusing. The Japanese. it io to be noted, are uniformly polite letter writers, the kitchen buy who desires leave of absenre or un in his wagesages approaching the subjecincrease t with a Lavishness of compliment and an extent of circumlocution which would do hon-or to a trained diplomatist. India, however, if we may judge from a number of recent publications on the subject of Baba English. as It I. com-tonly known, will have to be awarded he palm for queer English. The East Indian is ambition, and Ls a diligent student. but inmany casesthe becomes enamored. seemingly. of verbal forms and niceties. and uses words to the det-rhnent of idea, For example, a student 


Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 08 December 1924, Page 6.

"Be it known to your Honour that I am a bubbie on life's ocean, at present suffering great deprivationc If your Honour doss not regard this petition with favour this bubble will buret, leaving a wife and four children." The official. who had heard from the "bubble" before, laconically re-plied "Bust!" Another Babu. ap-plying for an increase of salary on the ground of the heavy expense of maintaining his family, starts by saying: "Most Preserved Sir—I am a humble man and great family, large suns and daughters with magnificent appetites." 

Further Reading:

Arnold Wright, Baboo English,  https://books.google.com/books?id=NlkWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

Gail M. Coelho. “Anglo-Indian English: A Nativized Variety of Indian English.” Language in Society, vol. 26, no. 4, 1997, pp. 561–89. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4168803. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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